professional discussing VA enrollment

Veterans, VA Enrollment, and Community Resources

Why Veterans Should Enroll in the VA Healthcare System by Lisa Dean     Florida has consistently been one of the top three most populated states in the country consisting of nearly 1.5M Veterans. However, over half of the Veterans that suffer from substance abuse, homelessness, and mental health concerns, are not enrolled with their…

a woman and her friend having a mental health treatment discussion

How to Discuss Mental Health Treatment with Your Loved One

Mental health disorders affect a person’s moods, thoughts, and behaviors. Being diagnosed with a mental health disorder can be upsetting for the individual and their friends and family. However, with a diagnosis comes answers and a path to recovery. It is scarier to watch a loved one deteriorate and not understand why or how to…

a young man struggling with generalized anxiety disorders

Understanding the Different Anxiety Disorders

The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified stress as the most significant health epidemic of the 21st century. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, reported stress, anxiety, and depression rates have substantially risen worldwide. Anxiety is a normal emotion that is our brain’s way of alerting us to stress or danger. While occasional anxiety…

a woman seeking out psychotherapy options

When to Seek Out Psychotherapy Options for Mental Health

As with most things associated with mental health, many misconceptions and stigmas surround psychotherapy. At some point, we all struggle with stress, anxiety, depression, moodiness, or other forms of emotional distress. Whether due to grief, a breakup, financial issues, illness, or professional setbacks, your mental health is bound to suffer at some point. Typically, we…

woman sitting on her couch leaning on her arm thinking about world bipolar day

How to Embrace World Bipolar Day

World Bipolar Day takes place each March 30th. On this day, members of the public worldwide are encouraged to use social media platforms to help spread information about the impacts of bipolar disorder to raise awareness and reduce the stigma of bipolar. Supporters of this event are encouraged to use the hashtags #WorldBipolarDay and #BipolarStrong.…

a woman sitting on a staircase thinking about self harm awareness

The Importance of Self-Harm Awareness Month

Self-Injury Awareness Day (SIAD) is a worldwide awareness event on March 1, marking the start of Self-Harm Awareness Month. In the United States alone, there are nearly two million reported cases of self-harm annually. Approximately 17% of all people will engage in self-harm in their lifetime. While self-harm is not a mental health disorder, it…
