how does trauma impact relationships

How Does Trauma Impact Relationships?

Psychological trauma is the response to experiencing or witnessing an event that challenges your sense of safety and leaves you unable to cope. The body’s natural defenses take over during a traumatic event and create a stress reaction known as the fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response, creating an intense rush of stress hormones, primarily…

how meditation helps with anxiety

How Can Meditation Help with Anxiety?

The World Health Organization has classified stress as the most significant health epidemic of the 21st century. Anxiety is the leading mental health disorder in American adults, and research indicates it is rising across all age groups. Social media creates pressure to look, do better, and always strive for more. A 24-hour news cycle bombards…

folks preventing relapse for mental health

Things You Learn in Relapse Prevention

Recovery from drug or alcohol addiction is a lifelong process. After successful detox and participation in a residential or outpatient substance abuse treatment program, you must be prepared to face the challenges of everyday life without resorting to old patterns of behavior that can lead you to use again. Relapse is a return to addictive…

signs of ptsd

5 Signs Your Loved One is Suffering from PTSD

A traumatic event is any occurrence that threatens our sense of safety, whether real or perceived. Most people will experience trauma at some point. It can have a lasting emotional and psychological impact. For most, the effects of trauma subside after a short time, as the details of the trauma begin to fade. Still, for…

finding a psychotherapist florida

What to Look for in a Psychotherapist

When you are ready to receive mental health treatment, one of the choices you need to make is choosing a psychotherapist. This may seem overwhelming, but you can narrow down the many options when you know what to look for. It’s essential to remember that, like everyone else,  therapists are people with distinct personalities and…

warning signs of suicide

What Are the Warning Signs Someone Might Commit Suicide?

Suicide is not a mental illness but the most severe potential consequence of treatable mental health disorders, including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, borderline personality disorder, eating disorders, and substance use disorders. As one of the leading causes of death in the United States, suicide is a major public health concern. At Harmony Hills, suicide…

person in trauma therapy

What You Learn In A Trauma Therapy Program

Trauma treatment is unique. When a person experiences trauma, there’s damage created. In a trauma therapy program, the goal is not to relive that experience. Rather, using a customized PTSD treatment program, the goal is to overcome how trauma impacts daily life now. With a full mental health treatment program available, Harmony Hills can help…

bipolar 1 vs bipolar 2

What Is the Difference Between Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2?

Formerly known as manic depression, bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings between abnormally emotional highs and lows. These highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression) affect energy levels, sleep habits, judgment, behavior, and the ability to think clearly. Mood swings, referred to as episodes, can be highly unpredictable, making…
