people participate in a family therapy treatment program

Why Family Support is So Important

Research has shown that not only is addiction linked to genetics, but it is also proven to be a “family disease.” In other words, each person in the family has a cause and effect on the addict during addiction and recovery. This is why family support in sobriety is crucial if both parties plan to…

man smiling outside in long term sobriety

How To Achieve Long-Term Sobriety

Achieving long-term sobriety isn’t something that happens. It requires a commitment to the treatment programs one enters. As a chronic disease, addiction demands individuals constantly be aware of how to manage their lives and health. Fortunately, addiction is highly treatable. After an individual goes through medically supervised detox and completes an addiction treatment program, there…

woman stretching in yoga treatment program

Types of Yoga Anyone Can Practice in Sobriety

Practicing yoga in sobriety can be one of the most wonderful, daunting, and cleansing practices for recovery individuals. A yoga treatment program allows individuals to learn to stop, breathe, and quiet that negative voice in their minds. There is a different type of yoga for every day, mood, emotional state, or weather outside. Actively pursuing…

man meditating using spirituality in recovery

How To Discover Spirituality In Recovery

According to most 12 step programs, individuals struggling with drug or alcohol addiction are not actually victims. Rather, they are suffering from a disease or mental health issue in process addictions like gambling or sex addiction. This makes individuals powerless over their obsessions. However, recovery and healing are possible. With the right support like that…

mat program benefits in florida

Top Benefits of MAT Programs

Heroin addiction and opiate addiction, which treatment professionals refer to as opioid use disorder, are physical and psychological disorders in which the body and brain become dependent on opioids. This disease has been around for a long time. From opium to Carfentanil, it is a disease that ignores demographics attacking people of all races, religions,…