narcissistic behaviors

What Are Narcissistic Behaviors?

Personality disorders are mental health disorders caused by unhealthy patterns of thinking and behaving. People with personality disorders struggle to interact with the world and understand relationships and social situations. Personality disorders are classified into clusters based on common characteristics. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) falls into cluster B, characterized by intensely emotional reactions to things…

fitness and mental health

How Does Our Fitness Impact Our Mental Health

Studies have shown that people who participate in regular physical activity have fewer mental health issues and better overall emotional well-being. Fitness and mental health go hand-in-hand in helping men and women from all walks of life and activity levels holistically improve their mental health. A mental health treatment program is essential for any well-rounded…

how to improve mental health

5 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Mental Health

There are many ways to improve your mental health. You can practice mindfulness and meditation, eat healthy meals, and other holistic practices that greatly benefit your mental well-being. For men and women with severe mental health disorders, there are things they can do to improve their mental health and behavioral therapies and medications. A mental…

what is histrionic personality disorder

What Is Histrionic Personality Disorder?

A histrionic personality disorder is part of a group of personality disorders that involves attention-seeking behaviors. The word histrionic itself refers to something dramatic or theatrical. People with this disorder may struggle with insecurity and go to extreme lengths to win over the approval of others. Do you think someone in your life may be…

counseling awareness month

How to Embrace National Counseling Awareness Month

National counseling awareness month is a time to seek advocacy if you struggle with a mental health disorder. This time of the year offers many opportunities to participate in the community to show your support of counseling and seek help from counseling efforts. Most importantly, it is a time to embrace counseling as an effort…

a woman sitting on the ground struggling with borderline personality disorder

What Is Borderline Personality Disorder?

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness that causes extreme disruptions in life. Not officially recognized as a separate disorder until 1980, research on BPD is more than two decades behind other major psychiatric disorders. Lack of information about BPD contributes to misinformation, misunderstanding, and overt stigma around it. According to the National…

a woman seeking out psychotherapy options

When to Seek Out Psychotherapy Options for Mental Health

As with most things associated with mental health, many misconceptions and stigmas surround psychotherapy. At some point, we all struggle with stress, anxiety, depression, moodiness, or other forms of emotional distress. Whether due to grief, a breakup, financial issues, illness, or professional setbacks, your mental health is bound to suffer at some point. Typically, we…

a woman sitting on her bed considering if she needs bpd treatment program

Do I Need BPD Treatment?

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental health disorder that affects how you think and feels about yourself and others. BPD usually begins in early adulthood and generally improves with age. The lives of people with BPD are chaotic because of their inability to manage their emotions and behavior. They have an intense fear of…

EDMR Therapy

Finding an EMDR Therapist Near Me

Eye movement reprocessing and desensitization (EMDR) is a powerful interactive therapy. It is highly effective in helping people recover from trauma and other distressing experiences that can lead to maladaptive behaviors, including substance abuse and addiction. EMDR was initially developed to treat PTSD but has been proven effective in treating many mental health disorders. At…