a group of people participate in group therapy activities for adults

Group Therapy Activities for Adults

There are numerous therapeutic options for individuals struggling with mental health issues or substance use disorders to aid in healing and recovery. Group therapy is often a key ingredient in successful mental health treatment programs and is also a common component in residential addiction treatment. In a group therapy program, clients come together to discuss…

a group of people sit in a circle and learn about the benefits of 12 step program

Can a 12-Step Program Benefit Me?

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was the first 12-step therapy program, founded in 1935. Since then, 12-step programs have helped millions of people worldwide manage and maintain their sobriety. AA was created to help those suffering from alcohol addiction. Because of the approach’s effectiveness, the 12-step program philosophy has been used as the model to create programs…

a woman discusses with a therapist how a harm reduction program saved her life

What Are Harm Reduction Programs?

Many opinions are being thrown around these days about the best ways to combat the opioid epidemic. Our President recently told us that the best method was going to be anti-drug advertisements. Other people say it’s funding more opioid addiction treatment centers. Others even say medication-assisted programs are the way to go. With all of…

a young man sees his recovery benefit from a rehab aftercare program

Benefits of A Rehab Aftercare Program

An addiction treatment program begins with time working through detox and through a residential addiction treatment program many times. Yet, once a person leaves a treatment center’s safety and support, there is still an ongoing need for support. A rehab aftercare program is one way to meet those ongoing goals. Also called an alumni program,…

folks preventing relapse for mental health

Things You Learn in Relapse Prevention

Recovery from drug or alcohol addiction is a lifelong process. After successful detox and participation in a residential or outpatient substance abuse treatment program, you must be prepared to face the challenges of everyday life without resorting to old patterns of behavior that can lead you to use again. Relapse is a return to addictive…

women celebrating national recovery month

September Is National Recovery Month

Since 1989, September has been recognized as National Drug and Alcohol Recovery Month. The theme this year, “Recovery is for everyone: every person, every family, every community,” reminds us that substance use disorders and mental health disorders have far-reaching impacts. It also reminds those in all stages of recovery and the friends and family that…

a woman debates attending a CBT program

How a CBT Program Benefits Your Sobriety

Addiction is a complex disease that has a history rooted in stigma. Historically addiction has been viewed as a moral failing of people who actively chose to relinquish self-control. Thankfully, modern science and medical research have proven that addiction is a chronic, progressive brain disease, which has helped to alleviate much of the stigma previously…

a woman makes her relapse prevention plan

How to Make a Relapse Prevention Plan

By general definition, relapse means to fall or slip back into a former state. Regarding addiction, relapse is a return to drug or alcohol use following a period of abstinence. For mental health, a relapse is the return of symptoms to the degree that functioning is impaired. Relapse is always within the bounds of possibility…

a woman participates in 12 step therapy for mental health

How to Find Success in a 12-Step Program

The 12-step recovery model was initially developed and implemented by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) as a fellowship whose goal was to help one another overcome addiction to alcohol. Since its inception, the 12-step model has become universally known and is the most commonly recommended and used treatment modality for a wide array of addictions and compulsions.…