a group of people sit in a circle and learn about the benefits of 12 step program

Can a 12-Step Program Benefit Me?

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was the first 12-step therapy program, founded in 1935. Since then, 12-step programs have helped millions of people worldwide manage and maintain their sobriety. AA was created to help those suffering from alcohol addiction. Because of the approach’s effectiveness, the 12-step program philosophy has been used as the model to create programs…

doctor explaining non-12 step programs

A Breakdown of 12-Step and Non-12-Step Programs

Perhaps the most well-known form of addiction and mental health treatment is the 12-step program. However, many people struggling with drug or alcohol addiction don’t really understand what 12-step programs are really about before they begin recovery. Often, individuals have or are exposed to many conflicting views and opinions. It may seem that the advice…

a woman participates in 12 step therapy for mental health

How to Find Success in a 12-Step Program

The 12-step recovery model was initially developed and implemented by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) as a fellowship whose goal was to help one another overcome addiction to alcohol. Since its inception, the 12-step model has become universally known and is the most commonly recommended and used treatment modality for a wide array of addictions and compulsions.…